
EXTENSIONS: Extending solmisasi-lily Library

It is very possible that this library can’t do some stuffs users want to produce in simple ways, for example, the one described in this section: Printing More Informations in the Header of Solmisasi Score. I, or you, or other developers may add some extensions to this library.

Table of Contents

  1. Available Extensions
  2. Are Extensions Bundled in the Release Archive File?
  3. About “Extensions”

Available Extensions

An extension can be provided either as a free product, or as a paid one, by anyone. As the author of this library, I will always try to provide free extensions as many as possible. However, considering that some extended features are more complicated and require deeper knowledge in Lilypond/Scheme programming, there are possibilities that this kind of extensions will not be freely provided.

As of the latest solmisasi-lily version (v1.1.0-beta), here is the list of available extensions, published by me.

1.key-signature-summary Read This since v1.0.5.1-beta
2.time-signature-summary Read This since v1.0.5.1-beta
3.simultaneous-divisi Read This since v1.0.6-beta

Are Extensions Bundled in the Release Archive File?

Some extensions are bundled in the release archive file, others can be distributed separately. To see and download the updated extensions from this repo, please head over to this link: lib/extension

About “Extensions”

Extensions mentioned here are basically Lilypond helper snippets to be included in the main music snippet after completely loading solmisasi-lily. They must be exist in the directory lib/extension inside the root directory of solmisasi-lily. They must follow this rule of file naming: solmisasi-<name-of-extension>.ily.

So, let’s say there are two extension snippets named solmisasi-extension-1.ily and solmisasi-extension-2.ily inside the directory lib/extension. To use this extension, users have use \withExtensions command like this:

\withExtensions #'(

right after the include "solmisasi.ily" line.