
Printing More Informations in the Header of Solmisasi Score

In common practices, especially in Indonesia, music authors/publishers often print the summary of key signatures and time signatures used throughout the music, in the header section of Solmisasi score/sheet music. So, let’s go deeper into this case.

Table of Contents

  1. Printing Key Signature Summary in Header
  2. Printing Time Signature Summary in Header

Printing Key Signature Summary in Header

Let’s take this score as our example.

\version "2.20.0"
\include "solmisasi.ily"

\header {
  title = "Vocal Excersice Example"
  subtitle = "Major Scales"
  composer = "Not Me"
  tagline = ##f

music = {
  \time 4/4
  \key a \major
  a4 b cis' d' |
  e' fis' gis' a' |
  \bar "||"
  \key d \major
  a' g' fis' e' |
  d' cis' b a~ |
  \time 2/4
  2 |

  \time 4/4
  \bar "||"
  \key bes \major
  bes4 c' d' es' |
  f' g' a' bes' |
  \bar "||"
  \key es \major
  bes' as' g' f' |
  es' d' c' bes~ |
  \time 2/4
  2 |

  \time 4/4
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##t
  \bar "||"
  \key b \major
  b4 cis' dis' e' |
  fis' gis' ais' b' |
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##f
  \bar "||"
  \key e \major
  b' a' gis' fis' |
  e' dis' cis' b~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key c \major
  c'8 d' e' d' e' f' |
  g' a' b' a' b' c'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key f \major
  c'' bes' a' bes' a' g' |
  f' e' d' e' d' c'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key des \major
  des'8 es' f' es' f' ges' |
  as' bes' c'' bes' c'' des'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key ges \major
  des'' ces'' bes' ces'' bes' as' |
  ges' f' es' f' es' des'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key d \major
  d'8 e' fis' e' fis' g' |
  a' b' cis'' b' cis'' d'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key g \major
  d'' c'' b' c'' b' a' |
  g' fis' e' fis' e' d'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key es \major
  es'8 f' g' f' g' as' |
  bes' c'' d'' c'' d'' es'' |
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##t
  \bar "||"
  \key as \major
  es'' des'' c'' des'' c'' bes' |
  as' g' f' g' f' es'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |
  \bar "|."


lyric = \lyricmode {
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __

\score {
    \new SolmisasiTimeAndKeySignature {
      \solmisasiMusic \silence \music
    \new SolmisasiStaff {
      \new SolmisasiVoice {
        \solmisasiMusic \music
      \addlyrics {
        \solmisasiLyric \lyric
  \layout {
    \context {
      \remove \DbBars
      \override NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
    \context {
      \omit TimeSignature
    \context {
      \revert TimeSignature.stencil
      \override TimeSignature.font-size = #-1
      \override TimeSignature.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
    \context {
      \override LyricText.font-family = #'sans
      \override LyricText.font-size = #-0.5

A Score

Now, we need to define where the key signature summary will be printed in. Please take a look at the following image, which shows us the default layout Lilypond has defined.

It’d be great if you understand how to modify this default layout, or even make your own layout. But, in this documentation, I will not cover that. Instead, you’d better consult the Lilypond documentation.

Default Layout Overview

Let’s take the poet property in the header block to be filled with our key signature summary text.

For this purpose, we need some additional codes in our snippet, such as:

  • A function to get the value of a header property. We can use $defaultheader module which is already defined by Lilypond. To keep our functions modular, I prefer to use parameters than fixed variables. This function would be something like this.
#(define (get-header-property-value sym)
   "Get key signature summary from header props."
   (assoc-ref (ly:module->alist $defaultheader) sym))
  • A function to set or modify the value of a header property, using $defaultheader, too.
#(define (set-header-property-value sym val)
   "Set the value of key signature summary in header props."
   (module-define! $defaultheader sym val))
  • A void-function to get the list of all key signatures being used in the music, and ‘put’ them all in a header property. This function occupies a solmisasi-lily’s internal music property named solmisasi-key-sig to get each of the key signature changes.
updateKeySignatureSummary =
#(define-void-function (music sym) (ly:music? symbol?)
   "Update key signature summary in header."
   (let* ((key-list (list))
          (key-str #f)
          (key-signature-summary (get-header-property-value sym)))
      (lambda (m)
        (if (music-is-of-type? m 'key-change-event)
            (let ((solmisasi-key-sig (ly:music-property m 'solmisasi-key-sig)))
              (set! key-str
                    (if (pair? solmisasi-key-sig)
                        (format "~a=~a"
                          (car solmisasi-key-sig)
                          (get-key-sig-string (cdr solmisasi-key-sig)))
              (if (and key-str
                       (not (member key-str key-list)))
                  (set! key-list
                        (append key-list (list key-str))))
     (if (positive? (length key-list))
         (if (or (not key-signature-summary)
                 (> (length key-list)
                    (length (string-split (key-signature-summary) #\;))))
             (set-header-property-value sym (string-join key-list "; "))))
  • An additional \header block after (repeat, it must be after) invoking that \updateKeySignatureSummary function. Remember that I already had poet property chosen for this purpose. And for the key signature summary, I choose key-signature-summary as the name of the dedicated header property. To pass it to the \updateKeySignatureSummary function, we need to use its Scheme symbol: #'key-signature-summary. The coloring in the markup of the poet property is applied for display purpose only.
\updateKeySignatureSummary \music #'key-signature-summary

\header {
  poet = \markup \with-color #blue \bold {
    \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.2)
    \override #'(line-width . 40)
    \wordwrap-field #'header:key-signature-summary

Those functions described above could be inserted anywhere in the original Lilypond snippet. But the execution of \updateKeySignatureSummary has to be inserted after the music defined, since we need the music variable as the first parameter supplied.

So, I decided to insert all of those additional codes at the bottom of the original snippet (right after the \score definition; this is not the best practice, though!). And here is the complete snippet and the result.

\version "2.20.0"
\include "solmisasi.ily"

\header {
  title = "Vocal Excersice Example"
  subtitle = "Major Scales"
  composer = "Not Me"
  tagline = ##f

#(set-default-paper-size "a4")

\paper {
  indent = 0\mm
  system-system-spacing.padding = #4
  ragged-last = ##t
  markup-system-spacing.padding = #4

music = \solmisasiMusic {
  \time 4/4
  \once \omit KeySignature
  \key a \major
  a4 b cis' d' |
  e' fis' gis' a' |
  \bar "||"
  \key d \major
  a' g' fis' e' |
  d' cis' b a~ |
  \time 2/4
  2 |

  \time 4/4
  \bar "||"
  \key bes \major
  bes4 c' d' es' |
  f' g' a' bes' |
  \bar "||"
  \key es \major
  bes' as' g' f' |
  es' d' c' bes~ |
  \time 2/4
  2 |

  \time 4/4
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##t
  \bar "||"
  \key b \major
  b4 cis' dis' e' |
  fis' gis' ais' b' |
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##f
  \bar "||"
  \key e \major
  b' a' gis' fis' |
  e' dis' cis' b~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key c \major
  c'8 d' e' d' e' f' |
  g' a' b' a' b' c'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key f \major
  c'' bes' a' bes' a' g' |
  f' e' d' e' d' c'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key des \major
  des'8 es' f' es' f' ges' |
  as' bes' c'' bes' c'' des'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key ges \major
  des'' ces'' bes' ces'' bes' as' |
  ges' f' es' f' es' des'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key d \major
  d'8 e' fis' e' fis' g' |
  a' b' cis'' b' cis'' d'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key g \major
  d'' c'' b' c'' b' a' |
  g' fis' e' fis' e' d'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key es \major
  es'8 f' g' f' g' as' |
  bes' c'' d'' c'' d'' es'' |
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##t
  \bar "||"
  \key as \major
  es'' des'' c'' des'' c'' bes' |
  as' g' f' g' f' es'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |
  \bar "|."


lyric = \solmisasiLyric \lyricmode {
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __

\score {
    \new SolmisasiTimeAndKeySignature {
    \new SolmisasiStaff {
      \new SolmisasiVoice {
      \addlyrics {
  \layout {
    \context {
      \remove \DbBars
      \override NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
    \context {
      \omit TimeSignature
    \context {
      \revert TimeSignature.stencil
      \override TimeSignature.font-size = #-1
      \override TimeSignature.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
    \context {
      \override LyricText.font-family = #'sans
      \override LyricText.font-size = #-0.5

#(define (get-header-property-value sym)
   "Get key signature summary from header props."
   (assoc-ref (ly:module->alist $defaultheader) sym))

#(define (set-header-property-value sym val)
   "Set the value of key signature summary in header props."
   (module-define! $defaultheader sym val))

updateKeySignatureSummary =
#(define-void-function (music sym) (ly:music? symbol?)
   "Update key signature summary in header."
   (let* ((key-list (list))
          (key-str #f)
          (key-signature-summary (get-header-property-value sym)))
      (lambda (m)
        (if (music-is-of-type? m 'key-change-event)
            (let ((solmisasi-key-sig (ly:music-property m 'solmisasi-key-sig)))
              (set! key-str
                    (if (pair? solmisasi-key-sig)
                        (format "~a=~a"
                          (car solmisasi-key-sig)
                          (get-key-sig-string (cdr solmisasi-key-sig)))
              (if (and key-str
                       (not (member key-str key-list)))
                  (set! key-list
                        (append key-list (list key-str))))
     (if (positive? (length key-list))
         (if (or (not key-signature-summary)
                 (> (length key-list)
                    (length (string-split (key-signature-summary) #\;))))
             (set-header-property-value sym (string-join key-list "; "))))

\updateKeySignatureSummary \music #'key-signature-summary

\header {
  poet = \markup \with-color #blue \bold {
    \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.2)
    \override #'(line-width . 40)
    \wordwrap-field #'header:key-signature-summary

A Score With Key Signature Summary

Printing Time Signature Summary in Header

Similarly, we can write a function to get the list of all time signatures being used in the music, and ‘put’ them all in a header property. We already have get-header-property-value and set-header-property-value functions. So, the only thing we need to do now is modifying the updateKeySignatureSummary to updateTimeSignatureSummary function, by utilizing another solmisasi-lily’s internal music property named solmisasi-time-sig.

Both of these functions are identical, so you may write a single function to do both purposes. But, let’s just separate them for now. Here is the code.

updateTimeSignatureSummary =
#(define-void-function (music sym) (ly:music? symbol?)
   "Update time signature summary in header."
   (let* ((time-list (list))
          (time-str #f)
          (time-signature-summary (get-header-property-value sym)))
      (lambda (m)
        (if (music-is-of-type? m 'time-signature-music)
            (let ((solmisasi-time-sig (ly:music-property m 'solmisasi-time-sig)))
              (set! time-str
                    (if (pair? solmisasi-time-sig)
                        (format "~a/~a"
                          (car solmisasi-time-sig)
                          (cdr solmisasi-time-sig))
              (if (and time-str
                       (not (member time-str time-list)))
                  (set! time-list
                        (append time-list (list time-str))))
     (if (positive? (length time-list))
         (if (or (not time-signature-summary)
                 (> (length time-list)
                    (length (string-split (time-signature-summary) #\;))))
             (set-header-property-value sym (string-join time-list "; "))))

Don’t forget to append the header property definition with this time signature summary. In this case, I choose meter as the property where the time signature summary will be printed.

\updateTimeSignatureSummary \music #'time-signature-summary

\header {
  meter = \markup {
    \vspace #1
    \with-color #darkgreen \bold {
      \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.2)
      \override #'(line-width . 40)
      \wordwrap-field #'header:time-signature-summary

And, here is the complete snippet and the compiled result.

\version "2.20.0"
\include "solmisasi.ily"

\header {
  title = "Vocal Excersice Example"
  subtitle = "Major Scales"
  composer = "Not Me"
  tagline = ##f

#(set-default-paper-size "a4")

\paper {
  indent = 0\mm
  system-system-spacing.padding = #4
  ragged-last = ##t
  markup-system-spacing.padding = #4

music = \solmisasiMusic {
  \time 4/4
  \once \omit KeySignature
  \key a \major
  a4 b cis' d' |
  e' fis' gis' a' |
  \bar "||"
  \key d \major
  a' g' fis' e' |
  d' cis' b a~ |
  \time 2/4
  2 |

  \time 4/4
  \bar "||"
  \key bes \major
  bes4 c' d' es' |
  f' g' a' bes' |
  \bar "||"
  \key es \major
  bes' as' g' f' |
  es' d' c' bes~ |
  \time 2/4
  2 |

  \time 4/4
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##t
  \bar "||"
  \key b \major
  b4 cis' dis' e' |
  fis' gis' ais' b' |
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##f
  \bar "||"
  \key e \major
  b' a' gis' fis' |
  e' dis' cis' b~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key c \major
  c'8 d' e' d' e' f' |
  g' a' b' a' b' c'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key f \major
  c'' bes' a' bes' a' g' |
  f' e' d' e' d' c'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key des \major
  des'8 es' f' es' f' ges' |
  as' bes' c'' bes' c'' des'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key ges \major
  des'' ces'' bes' ces'' bes' as' |
  ges' f' es' f' es' des'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key d \major
  d'8 e' fis' e' fis' g' |
  a' b' cis'' b' cis'' d'' |
  \bar "||"
  \key g \major
  d'' c'' b' c'' b' a' |
  g' fis' e' fis' e' d'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |

  \time 6/8
  \bar "||"
  \key es \major
  es'8 f' g' f' g' as' |
  bes' c'' d'' c'' d'' es'' |
  \set Staff.male-vocal = ##t
  \bar "||"
  \key as \major
  es'' des'' c'' des'' c'' bes' |
  as' g' f' g' f' es'~ |
  \time 3/4
  2 r4 |
  \bar "|."


lyric = \solmisasiLyric \lyricmode {
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma ma
  ma ma ma ma ma moo __

\score {
    \new SolmisasiTimeAndKeySignature {
    \new SolmisasiStaff {
      \new SolmisasiVoice {
      \addlyrics {
  \layout {
    \context {
      \remove \DbBars
      \override NonMusicalPaperColumn.line-break-permission = ##f
    \context {
      \omit TimeSignature
    \context {
      \revert TimeSignature.stencil
      \override TimeSignature.font-size = #-1
      \override TimeSignature.break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
    \context {
      \override LyricText.font-family = #'sans
      \override LyricText.font-size = #-0.5

#(define (get-header-property-value sym)
   "Get key signature summary from header props."
   (assoc-ref (ly:module->alist $defaultheader) sym))

#(define (set-header-property-value sym val)
   "Set the value of key signature summary in header props."
   (module-define! $defaultheader sym val))

updateKeySignatureSummary =
#(define-void-function (music sym) (ly:music? symbol?)
   "Update key signature summary in header."
   (let* ((key-list (list))
          (key-str #f)
          (key-signature-summary (get-header-property-value sym)))
      (lambda (m)
        (if (music-is-of-type? m 'key-change-event)
            (let ((solmisasi-key-sig (ly:music-property m 'solmisasi-key-sig)))
              (set! key-str
                    (if (pair? solmisasi-key-sig)
                        (format "~a=~a"
                          (car solmisasi-key-sig)
                          (get-key-sig-string (cdr solmisasi-key-sig)))
              (if (and key-str
                       (not (member key-str key-list)))
                  (set! key-list
                        (append key-list (list key-str))))
     (if (positive? (length key-list))
         (if (or (not key-signature-summary)
                 (> (length key-list)
                    (length (string-split (key-signature-summary) #\;))))
             (set-header-property-value sym (string-join key-list "; "))))

\updateKeySignatureSummary \music #'key-signature-summary

\header {
  poet = \markup \with-color #blue \bold {
    \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.2)
    \override #'(line-width . 40)
    \wordwrap-field #'header:key-signature-summary

updateTimeSignatureSummary =
#(define-void-function (music sym) (ly:music? symbol?)
   "Update time signature summary in header."
   (let* ((time-list (list))
          (time-str #f)
          (time-signature-summary (get-header-property-value sym)))
      (lambda (m)
        (if (music-is-of-type? m 'time-signature-music)
            (let ((solmisasi-time-sig (ly:music-property m 'solmisasi-time-sig)))
              (set! time-str
                    (if (pair? solmisasi-time-sig)
                        (format "~a/~a"
                          (car solmisasi-time-sig)
                          (cdr solmisasi-time-sig))
              (if (and time-str
                       (not (member time-str time-list)))
                  (set! time-list
                        (append time-list (list time-str))))
     (if (positive? (length time-list))
         (if (or (not time-signature-summary)
                 (> (length time-list)
                    (length (string-split (time-signature-summary) #\;))))
             (set-header-property-value sym (string-join time-list "; "))))

\updateTimeSignatureSummary \music #'time-signature-summary

\header {
  meter = \markup {
    \vspace #1
    \with-color #darkgreen \bold {
      \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.2)
      \override #'(line-width . 40)
      \wordwrap-field #'header:time-signature-summary

A Score With Time And Key Signature Summary